April 11, 2008

San Francisco Olympic Torch Protest

On Wednesday April 9, thousand of protestors and supporters of the Olympic Torch Rally and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games crowded onto Embarcadero St. around Justin Herman Plaza to make their opinions heard. Here is how I saw the days events.

Please click the images to see a larger size and cutlines.

Gotta start somewhere

Beijing Olympics 2008

Peace for Tibet

Out of Tibet

Bret Carr

A voice for Tibet

Mega Phone

Fuck You

Free Tibet


Hold Up


Riot Gear

S.F. Sheriff Officers

Sit In

Nazi Olympics

Back to you Ken


Shuv It

Stop Killing Tibet


Free Speech

Ban China

Chinese Flag


Thank you for viewing.



Admiral Politeness said...

Damn, Alton, you're one hell of a photographer. Amazing pictures.

Alton G. Richardson said...

Hey thank you Sam.